The UK P&I Club is a mutual marine insurance business governed by a Members' Committee, which represents the Club's Members, and a regulated Board of Directors. Members' Committee and Board have responsibility for sustainability issues.

We have sought to adopt an inclusive approach to sustainability that involves input from all levels of the business. We have formed a Sustainability Impact Group tasked with implementing and informing the Club's sustainability policy and pursuing sustainability objectives, and a Sustainability Steering Group tasked with ensuring that our sustainability strategy and objectives remain aligned with our wider strategy and objectives.

The Club complies with all current regulations and legislation, both in the UK and through its subsidiaries in the Netherlands and Bermuda. The Club is also looking and planning ahead to ensure that it is prepared for anticipated future regulations and legislation. Further details are set out in our annual Directors' Report and Financial Statements, in our Sustainability Report and in our other statutory disclosures below.

Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking: Legal | UK P&I Club (

UK Anti-bribery Policy: Legal | UK P&I Club (

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