One of the areas in which we can have the greatest positive impact is in our efforts to improve safety and prevent losses from happening in the first place. We work hard to achieve this through our numerous loss prevention activities and by our efforts to mitigate negative impacts such as pollution when incidents occur. Our support package for Loss Prevention is one of the most comprehensive available in the P&I market, and includes condition surveys, risk assessments, and a wide range of publications and support.

Another area in which we are determined to have a positive impact is through our support for Members in their transition to alternative fuels and technologies. We are working to achieve this by developing and sharing our understanding of the risks associated with the transition and how they can be avoided or mitigated, and by providing robust insurance products and services that give Members the confidence to make the change. 

We have long recognised the fundamental importance of seafarer health and wellbeing and have taken positive action through our own initiatives to address both the physical and mental health of seafarers, and through our partnerships with various charities focused on this area.

Further details are set out in our 2022 Sustainability Report.

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Sustainability Report

We are proud to present the UK P&I Club's first Sustainability Report, which sets out the Club's current approach to sustainability and our plan to make our business more sustainable in the future.

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