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9 February 2022



The UK Club recently conducted another live webinar on ship retrofitting, discussing the technical and contractual perspectives.

The Club’s P&I and Defence teams participated with guest panellists from Brookes Bell and a prominent shipbuilding project specialist.

The club has seen recent claims associated with scrubbers and ballast water system installations. These can have significant changes in how ships are operated and have a bearing on future performance.

Also, the industry is poised to see several retrofitting projects with the current decarbonisation push. Challenges in such retrofitting projects must be well understood, the risks reduced, transferred, or mitigated. In many cases, the technology is not mature enough; thus, there are looming design risks and performance considerations.

The webinar was predominantly in a panel discussion format, where the panel shared their collective experiences. It was evident during the discussions that a retrofit project is unique and different from a new building project.

Panellists stressed the importance of allotting sufficient time for these projects and adequate sea trials. Participants worldwide in more than 35 countries attended the webinar with a remarkable interest rating.