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Kostas Karavasilis
Kostas Karavasilis
Regional Loss Prevention Director (Greece)
10 January 2023


Every year thousands of containers fall overboard, leading to millions of dollars in losses and maritime pollution. Often the reasons for these losses, such as parametric and synchronous rolling, are not always fully understood by stakeholders.

On 30 November 2022, the Club held a webinar to discuss the causes and methods of prevention of container losses at sea.

The webinar covered the following issues in detail:

  • Are cargo arrangements designed for parametric and synchronous rolling?
  • Practical aspects of identification and ship handling
  • Technical aspects of parametric rolling
  • Various research and resources on the subject


The panellists:

Capt. Kostas Karavasilis, Regional Loss Prevention Director (Greece), UK P&I

Kostas is a Greek Master Mariner with significant seagoing experience on-board bulk carriers and cruise ships. Prior to joining Thomas Miller's Hellas office, he worked as Claims Manager for a local hull insurer, garnering more than 10 years of experience within the marine insurance industry. Kostas is certified by Lloyds Register of Shipping as an ISM and ISPS Internal Auditor. He deals with Loss Prevention related matters and operational enquiries for local Members and conducts crew seminars. 

Capt. Hanoz Billimoria, Nautical Faculty, Samundra Institute of Maritime Studies

Capt. Hanoz Billimoria has a total experience of 21 years at sea, of which he has a command experience of 7 years. He has sailed on container vessels for 18 years, up to the largest container vessels of their times. He joined Samundra Institute of Maritime Studies (Mumbai) in 2019 and enjoys interaction with his students. This webinar attempts to address the issues with Container ships facing inclement weather to the extent of losing containers overboard and what can be done by the Master to curtail the same. 

Jos Koning, Senior Project Manager, Performance at Sea, Marin

Jos Koning, Naval architect and project leader of the TopTier JIP focusing on safe container transport. Working at Maritime Research Insititute Netherlands in the Performance at Sea department. He specialises in the evaluation of seakeeping and structural response of ships and offshore structures using on board measurements and observations and has had involvement with containerships since the early 90s with focus on hull girder torsion and bending and later on container deck cargo.