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13 October 2020

国際海上固体ばら積み貨物(IMSBC)コードのグループA 貨物は、輸送許容水分値を超えた状態で輸送された場合に液化する可能性のある貨物です。今回のウェビナーでは、このグループA貨物の輸送中に発生し得る様々なシナリオと関連リスク、そして実務上の問題も議論しています。

In the recent INTERCARGO "Bulk carrier casualty report", it was stated that “The highest loss of life has been attributed to cargo failure (liquefaction), totalling 106 lives lost or 61.3% of total loss of life - resulting from the 8 casualties.”  

Under the IMSBC Code, a Group A cargo is one which may liquefy if shipped at a moisture content in excess of its transportable moisture limit.

In this webinar

This UK P&I Webinar discusses various scenarios that might develop during the carriage of IMSBC Group A Cargoes and their associated risks. 

On the Panel, Dr Ken Grant takes us through the science of liquefaction and why Group A cargoes are more prone to liquefaction. As he discusses his experiences dealing with various Group A Cargoes, he helps us understand various issues as why these cargoes are often classified as Group C cargoes and what steps operators and ship staff can take to protect themselves and stay safe. 

Also joining us will be Andy Malpss from Pandiman Correspondents in Philippines who discusses the practical difficulties faced by the ship staff at remote ports when loading this cargo and mean available to the ship staff in taking the right decisions.

Join the UK Club as we discuss the following issues: 

  • Various scenarios that might develop during the carriage of IMSBC group A Cargoes
  • The science behind the process of liquefaction
  • Practical issues in the Philippines & other remote ports
  • Understanding issues such as TML/FML etc and how problems may come up


If your vessel actually had a Liquefaction related issue, please share your experience.