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Ansuman Ghosh
Ansuman Ghosh
Director of Risk Assessment (Singapore)
10 March 2021


Bulk carriers - hold preparation

The UK P&I Club recently held a Webinar on the subject of Hold preparation on Bulk carriers.The Webinar was a great success with about 1600 registrations from 63 countries. The webinar also saw the highest number of attendees to date.

The Webinar was hosted by Capt Anuj Velankar of the UK P&I club and on the panel were Andrew Gray of the law firm Campbell Johnston Clart and Daniel Millett of Brookes Bell.

The Webinar looked at three main aspects related to the preparation of cargo holds in bulk carriers:

  • The practical issues arising when ship staff are required to prepare the cargo holds to high standards like "Grain Clean. Are there any set standards that are common around the world? What are the aspects that can cause the vessel to fail hold readiness?
  • The legal issues that arise in hold preparation. What are the general clauses in the Charter parties related to hold cleanliness? How are the liabilities of the ship owners and charterers affected when the cargo hold fail?
  • How are these disputes typically solved between the different parties


As part of the webinar both panellists gave short presentations, which was followed by an interactive Q&A session based on the questions asked by the audience during registrations and also picked from the issues raised by the live audience. This was also supplemented by live polls in which the audience participated about a scenario on C/P dispute. .

A recording of the webinar is provided and will be of great interest to all people involved with Bulk carrier trade.

Ask-An-Expert on Grain contamination claims

As a follow up, the latest Ask-an-Expert series was recorded with Chris Ellyatt of CWA international. While the webinar deals with the practical and legal aspects of hold cleaning, the Ask-an-Expert deals with the issue of what happens when the grain cargo is found to be contaminated? How do we decide if the contamination happened due to the hold cleaning or if the contaminants were inherent? What are the options available to the Owners when faced with a contaminated cargo of grain?

To register yourself for the webinars, write to our Loss Prevention team who will be happy to answer any questions and add you to the invite list.