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14 October 2021

当クラブは先日、係留ロープのメンテナンスおよび適切な使用方法についてのウェビナーを開催しました。50以上の国からの参加があり、皆様からの大きな反響をいただきました。ウェビナー録画は、UKクラブ Vimeoページからもご覧いただけます。


Can't watch the video? Please visit the UK Club Vimeo page to watch this webinar. 


The UK P&I Club recently held a webinar on the maintenance and proper use of mooring ropes. The webinar received an overwhelming response with attendees from more than 50 countries worldwide.

About the webinar

The Webinar was hosted by Capt Konstaninos G. Karavasilis of the UK P&I Club and on the panel were Veronica Aspelund, Business Manager Ropes of Wilhelmsen Ships Service AS, Emmanuel (Manos) Mariakis of Mentor Marine Consultants and Michael Chanouzas of the UK P&I Club/ UK Defence Club.

Topics discussed

The Webinar focused on the following topics/ issues:  proper maintenance and use, loss prevention (dos and don’ts) and aspects both P&I and Defence Clubs may be involved with following an incident due to mooring ropes parting. Additionally, a useful guide regarding evidence detention and preservation was discussed.

Finally, a series of case studies were discussed and practical advice to crew and office personnel was provided in case of an incident.
A recording of the webinar is provided and will be of great interest to both seafarers at sea, as well as marine and technical teams who wish to know more about the subject.

For more information please get in touch with the UK Club Loss Prevention team who will be pleased to assist you.