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26 November 2021

UKクラブは先日、海上輸送に使われる新しいテクノロジーに関するウェビナーを開催しました。本ウェビナーは、皆様からの大きな反響をいただきました。動画はUKクラブ Vimeoページからもご覧いただけます。


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The UK P&I Club recently held a webinar on the subject of new technology in shipping. The webinar received a great response with great audience interactions and very encouraging feedback from attendees.

About the Webinar

The webinar was hosted by Capt Anuj Velankar, Regional Loss Prevention Director of the UK P&I Club. On the panel were Capt Pradeep Chawla, Group Managing Director, QHSE & Training  Anglo Eastern, Sanjeev Namath, Chief Business Officer Alpha Ori Technologies & Carlos Losada, Solutions Advisory Manager, Energy Optimisation, Wartsila Voyage Solutions.

Topics discussed

The webinar focused on the various aspects in which new technology was being introduced in the shipping industry and the impact this had on seafarers, the vessel and safety. Sanjeev Namath spoke about the various products that Alpha Ori are working on and how it is impacting vessels. Capt Chawla discussed the operators point of view in relation to what technologies were available to owners today, and what risk and change managements the vessels operators needed to implement to ensure that these technologies are implemented in a safe manner. Carlos Losada spoke on the work Wartsila voyage and group was doing in the field and what new innovations were being implemented in bridge and training.

As part of the webinar the panellists gave short presentations, followed by an interactive Q&A session based on the questions asked by the audience during registration and also picked from the issues raised by the live audience. The questions ranged from interesting issues such as new technologies being implemented on bridge, engine room and in training, how these were able to increase safety on the vessels, the economic impact of new technology and the push towards decarbonisation.

A recording of the webinar is provided and will be of great interest to both seafarers out at sea as well as marine and technical teams who wish to know more about the subject.

To register yourself for future webinars from the UK P&I Club, write to our Loss Prevention team who will be happy to answer any questions and add you to the invite list.