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25 February 2022

UK P&Iクラブは2022年2月8日、船舶の麻薬密輸リスクについてウェビナーを開催いたしました。50以上の国からの参加があり、皆様からの大きな反響をいただきました。

On 8th February 2022 the UK Club held a webinar on the subject of “Narcotics smuggling for ships”.

The Webinar received an overwhelming response with attendees from more than 50 countries worldwide.

The Webinar was hosted by Capt Konstantinos G. Karavasilis, UK P&I Club Senior Loss Prevention Executive (Piraeus), and on the panel were Michael Carroll and David Thompson of Signum Services, the Club’s in-house investigative criminal investigation team.

The webinar focused on how narcotics are smuggled onboard,  drug  traffickers’ imaginative and innovative ways to deceive and the ways authorities can counter them. Michael Carroll also gave an extensive presentation on Loss Prevention.

A recording of the webinar is provided and will be of great interest to both seafarers out at sea, as well as marine and legal/ insurance/ claims teams who wish to know more about the subject.