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16 November 2020


The UK P&I Club recently held a webinar on the subject of Chemical Tanker Claims. The Webinar was a great success with more than 1000 registrations from over 58 countries. 

The Webinar looked at three main aspects of Chemical tanker operations:

  • The issues related to tank preparation, including variable tank cleaning standards and difficult cargoes, problems with wall wash tests, failing of first foot samples and problems with improper sampling of cargoes.  


  • Issues related to Tank Coatings such as warranty issues provided by coating manufacturers, discoloration of tank coating and blistering caused by additives and corrosive cargoes. 


  • Legal issues related to the failure of cargo tanks and first foot sampling, due diligence obligation of ship staff to tank cleaning and also cargo quantity issues such as voyage loss and the 0.3% trade allowances - especially in the palm oil trade. 


The highlight of the webinar was the high level of interaction with the live audience, both through the questions raised by the audience as well as with live polls taken. 

A recording of the webinar is provided and will be of great interest to all people involved with the Tanker trade. 

Following Q&As

As a follow up, the LP team has conducted further recording with the panellists where they covered the various questions that could not be covered due to the lack of time. These questions not only include the questions raised by the audience during registrations, but also the concerns and questions raised by the audience during the webinar itself.

With Stephen Mackin

In this Phone-A-Friend video, the host of the Webinar, Capt Anuj Velankar, talks with the lawyer Stephen Mackin of Clyde & Co on the various legal issues related with Chemical tanker claims and about liquid cargoes in general. Among the various issues discussed are the obligations of Owners and Charterers in preparing the cargo tanks for loading, proper descriptions on the Bills of lading, ship shore differences, Cargo allowances in the palm oil trade, effect of LOI’s given by the counter party and the proper way of describing the cargo on the Bills of lading.


With Richard Barnes

In this Phone-A-Friend video, the host of the Webinar, Capt Anuj Velankar, talks with the Supercargo expert Richard Barnes of Lighthouse Maritime. Richard speaks of the various practical challenges related to the operating a chemical tanker. Among the various issues discussed are the problems with standardizing wall wash tests, the various pros and cons of spectrometer analysis, new regulations coming up in Jan 2021 and the way he sees the landscape of the chemical tanker industry changing in the near future.


The UK Club webinars promote safety and best practices, and are currently being held on a monthly basis. If you would like to be included in the mailing list, reach out to your Club contact or the Loss prevention team at .