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18 October 2019


The following table lists countries which have imposed bans on vessels fitted with open-loop SOx scrubbers calling at their ports, and on the discharge of washwater from these scrubber systems within their port waters. The information in the table, which is not exhaustive, is correct to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. The table will be updated as and when additional information comes through. Members are recommended to check for any potential adoption of additional requirements and changes to the current regulations prior to their vessels calling at these ports.

If Members have any questions relating to the IMO 2020 sulphur cap, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your usual Club contact who will be pleased to assist you.

Country Is there a ban on open-loop scrubbers generally? If not, is there a ban on the discharge of scrubber wash water within port waters? Regulations
Australia No, but under review No, but under review

EPA 2015/0695

(different regs for cruiseships)
Belgium No Yes, within 3nm of coast No specific provisions
China Yes, as of 01/01/19, in the waters of Inland River ECA, ports within Coastal ECAs and Bohai-rim Sea Area Yes Click here for Regulations
China - Hong Kong No Need exemption to discharge

Air Pollution Control (Ocean Going Vessels)
(Fuel at Berth) Regulation" Chapter 311AA,
gazette Number E.R. 2 of 2015

Germany No Yes, in certain ports and Kiel Canal

§ 13 Abs. 7 SeeUmweltverhaltensverordnung

Ireland - Dublin Yes Yes

Regulations here

Ireland - Waterford Yes, as of 01/01/19 Yes

Regulations here

Japan No Yes No specific provisions are currently available
Latvia No No No specific provisions are currently available
Lithuania No No No specific provisions are currently available
Norway Yes, as of 01/03/19 Yes Amendments to the Norwegian Regulation of 30 May 2012  
No. 488 on environmental safety for ships and mobile offshore
Panama No, but under review    
Singapore Yes, as of 01/01/20 Yes No specific provisions are currently available
UAE - Abi Dhabi No Yes, unless free of pollutants or into an approved facility

Regulations here

UAE - Fujairah Yes, as of 01/01/19 Yes

Click here

US - California Yes Yes Ocean Going Vessel (OGV) Fuel Regulation
US - Connecticut Yes Yes

VGP 2013 Section 6.5.9

Click here
US - Hawaii No Yes, but reporting has to be in line with 6.7.1 of the 2013 VGP

VGP 2013 Section 6.7.1

'Blanket Section 401' Water Quality Criteria