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Jacqueline Tan
Jacqueline Tan
Legal Services Manager
17 December 2020 17/12/2020


The 2018 amendments to the MLC, 2006 will bring about a change to a seafarer's employment agreement (SEA) where it shall continue to have effect and wages shall continue to be paid while a seafarer is held captive on or off the ship as a result of acts of piracy or armed robbery against ships. This is regardless of whether the date fixed for the SEA's expiry has passed or any notice to terminate it has been issued.  The amendments will enter into force on 26 December 2020. Full details of the amendments are available on our MLC section/ 2018 amendments.


Shipowners/managers/operators must review their policies, procedures and SEAs and/or any applicable collective bargaining agreements to ensure compliance with the amendments and if any document contains statements that are contradictory to the Amendments. As for the Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance (DMLC) and MLC certificate for ships, the relevant ship flag State or their RO (recognised organisation) should be consulted.

Please also refer to our BIMCO MLC,2006 landing page for full information and guidance.


Source: BIMCO