ヨーロッパ内を航行する船舶および乗組員は、密航者に対する警戒態勢を維持することが不可欠です。詳細は、当クラブのコレスポンデンツVan Ameyde McAuslandsによる「Crew Care Team – UK Immigration Alert」をご確認ください。
The UK government has recently announced a series of tough new immigration enforcement measures to combat an ever-increasing number of undocumented migrants entering the UK via the English Channel. This year alone it is thought as many as 40,000 individuals have arrived via North European countries.
These new measures which will be implemented in the coming months are designed to counter the continued activities of people smuggling gangs who remain continually active in many European countries including France, Spain and the Netherlands. The number of Albania nationals is of particular concern to UK authorities, and it is understood that Albania will be deemed a 'safe country' which will result in the number of asylum applications being significantly reduced and deportation operations increased by 50/70%.
Please download the circular from Club correspondents Van Ameyde McAuslands for additional details.