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Ansuman Ghosh
Ansuman Ghosh
Director of Risk Assessment (Singapore)
22 August 2022 22/08/2022

2022 年 5 月 27 日から6 月 11 日に開催された第 110 回国際労働会議において、2006 年海事労働条約 (MLC 2006) の改正案が採択されました。今回の改正は2024 年12 月より施行されます。

During the 110th session of the International Labour Conference, held from 27 May to 11 June 2022, the plenary session approved additional amendments to the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC 2006). These should enter into force by December 2024. 

The Maritime Labour Convention is an international treaty protecting seafarers' rights and has been ratified by more than 100 countries which represent over 90% of the world's fleet. 

The new amendments are based on lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic when many seafarers witnessed prolonged periods of isolation against the backdrop of a crew change crisis. The amendments aim to ensure that:

  • Free drinking water of good quality is available for seafarers.
  • Seafarers have appropriately sized personal protective equipment, in particular to suit the increasing number of female seafarers. 
  • States shall further facilitate the prompt repatriation of abandoned seafarers.
  • States shall provide medical care to seafarers in need of immediate assistance and, when required, facilitate the speedy repatriation of the deceased. 
  • Shipowners provide seafarers with appropriate social connectivity, and States provide internet access in their ports.
  • All deaths of seafarers are recorded and reported annually to the ILO and the relevant data is published.
  • Seafarers are informed of their rights regarding the obligation of recruitment and placement services to compensate seafarers for any monetary loss. 


Further details are found here.


Flag states are required to implement the adopted amendments. Therefore, vessel operators should check with their respective flag state(s) to update existing safety management and MLC procedures.