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Akshat Arora
Akshat Arora
Senior Risk Assessor
27 January 2025

中国の港へ寄港する船舶を所有するメンバーは、中国海事局(MSA)が、船内の閉鎖空間に関する特別検査キャンペーンを開始したことにご注意ください。UK P&Iクラブの現地コレスポンデンツ、Huatai Marineが発行した回覧によると、特別検査キャンペーンは2025年1月15日から10月14日まで実施される予定で、閉鎖空間を備えた以下の船舶および水上施設を対象としています:

  • 出入口が制限されている
  • 換気が不十分
  • 作業員がとどまって作業することを想定して設計されていない

さらなる詳細についてはHuatai Marine発行の回覧をご確認ください。また、Together in Safetyの「Golden Safety Rule 2」および以下当クラブの記事やビデオをご参照のうえ、リスク認識を高めることが推奨されます。

China MSA launches a Special Inspection Campaign on Ship's Enclosed Spaces: 15 Jan - 14 Oct 2025

Members with ships calling at Chinese ports are advised that the China Maritime Safety Administration (MSA) has launched a special inspection campaign on ship’s enclosed spaces.

As per the circular issued by the Club’s local correspondents in China (Huatai Marine), the inspection campaign is scheduled to run from 15 January to 14 October 2025, and targets all vessels and waterborne facilities equipped with enclosed spaces that meet the following characteristics:

  • limited openings for entry and exit;
  • inadequate ventilation;
  • not designed for continuous worker occupancy.

Common examples on ships include cargo holds, double bottom tanks, fuel tanks, ballast tanks, cargo pump rooms, cargo compressor rooms, cofferdams, void spaces, chain lockers, etc. and adjacent connected spaces that are normally unventilated.

The inspection campaign will focus on the following areas:

  • Are crew members responsible for enclosed spaces entry aware of the associated risks?
  • Are measures in place to control visitors’ and crew members’ entering into enclosed spaces?
  • Is there a complete list of enclosed spaces?
  • Are the enclosed spaces marked and for authorized personnel only?
  • Are the atmosphere testing devices regularly checked and calibrated?
  • Are the emergency rescue equipment for enclosed spaces entry in good condition?
  • Are the personnel familiar with the safe entry and risk assessment procedures for enclosed spaces?
  • Are the personnel familiar with the operation of safety protective equipment and devices?
  • Is the enclosed spaces entry and rescue drill in accordance with SOLAS Chapter III, Regulation 19.3.3?
  • Is the SMS related to enclosed spaces operations effectively implemented on board?

Although all the above-mentioned focus areas of inspection are considered as standard shipboard procedures, members are recommended to conduct thorough self-inspections and ensure that the safety management systems related to enclosed space operations are effectively implemented and adhered to by all crew members.

The MSA has indicated that, generally, only one special inspection will be conducted per vessel during the campaign period. However, additional inspections may be required under circumstances such as accidents resulting from an unauthorised entry into enclosed spaces, identification of significant safety deficiencies, or credible reports of safety management issues.

Members are also recommended to implement in their procedures Together in Safety’s Golden Safety Rule 2 and refer to the following Club’s articles and videos for ongoing risk awareness: