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25 May 2023

UK P&Iクラブの理事であるニコラス・H・シュース氏は、BIMCOの第46代プレジデントに就任しました。同氏はドイツのReederei F.Laeisz社のオーナー兼CEOで、現在UKP&Iクラブの副理事長に就任されています。記事の全文についてはBIMCOのウェブサイトよりご覧いただけます。


Congratulations to UK Club board member Nikolaus H. Schües, who has been named the 46th President of BIMCO.

The world’s largest shipping association elected the owner and chief executive of German shipping company F Laeisz at its general meeting in Hong Kong on Thursday.

Schues becomes the 46th president, taking over from Sabrina Chao of Wah Kwong Maritime Transport Holdings, whose two-year term has ended.

Read the full announcement over at BIMCO's website.