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21 September 2017

要旨: 2017年9月1日、揚子江ECA内のすべての港において低硫黄含有燃料の使用を求める規則が施行されました。現地コレスポンデンツからの9月21日付更新情報(Huatai Circular PNI 1711)をご覧ください。

Low sulphur fuel requirements were implemented in all ports within the Yangtze River from 1st September 2017. The UK P&I Club have received the following update from its local correspondents on the issue.


'Reference is made to our latest circular (ref no. PNI 1710) on 31 August 2017 regarding the implementation of low sulphur fuel requirement at all ports within Zhejiang ECA. On 12.09.2017, Jiangsu MSA issued a formal notice which advised that as from 01.09.2017, ships berthing (excluding one hour after berth and one hour before departure) at all ports within Jiangsu ECA are required to use low sulphur contents fuel.'