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17 July 2019

UKクラブは現地コレスポンデンツより、シンガポール港においてガスオイル(MGO)、ディーゼルオイル(MDO)等の留出燃料油 (120cSt 以下) の供給時にも質量流量計 (Mass Flow Metering)システムを使用することを7月1日より義務化したという情報を入手しました。

The UK P&I Club have received the following update from local correspondents, Spica Services, regarding a mandatory adoption of Mass Flow Metering (MFM) Systems for distillates delivery in the Port of Singapore.

Spica Service have provided the attached circular from MPA Singapore.


This circular is to remind the maritime community on the mandatory adoption of MPA-approved Mass Flow Metering (MFM) system for all distillates1 bunker delivery in the Port of Singapore from 1 July 2019. This requirement was first promulgated on 10 May 2018 via Port Marine Circular (PMC) No. 04 of 2018. 

Since 1 January 2017, MPA has mandated the use of the MFM system for Marine Fuel Oil (MFO) delivery in the Port of Singapore. With effect from 1 July 2019, it is also mandatory to use MPA-approved MFM system for all distillates bunker delivery. The delivered quantity of distillates to ocean-going ships stated in the Bunker Delivery Note shall be based on the bunker tanker's MFM system as witnessed by the cargo officer, the chief engineer and bunker surveyor (if engaged). 

All MPA licensed bunker suppliers, bunker craft operators, bunker surveying companies and bunker surveyors are reminded to adhere strictly to the terms and conditions of their bunker licences, and the requirements of the Technical Reference for Bunker Mass Flow Metering (TR 48:2015) for bunker delivery by MFM in the Port of Singapore. MPA will take firm action against any licensee who has acted in contravention of their licences, including suspending or revoking their bunker licences, as appropriate.


Members can read the full circular here