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29 January 2020

IMO2020年低硫黄燃料油規制が施行されたことで、ECA内での規制に関心が高まる中、カリフォルニア大気資源局(CARB)はMarine Notice 2020-1を発行し、船舶オペレーターに対しカリフォルニア州燃料油規制は従来通り実施されていることを再警告しています。この規制はカリフォルニア州の沿岸24海里以内で適用され、硫黄含有量0.1%以下の留出燃料油の使用を要求しています。そして排ガススクラバーや非留出燃料油の使用は禁止しています。

With the IMO 2020 fuel regulations, and alongside that the Emission Control Area (ECA) regulations, currently at the forefront of everyone's mind, the California Air Resources Board(CARB) has felt it necessary to issue a reminder, Marine Notice 2020-1, to vessel operators that the California Fuel Regulations remain fully in force, and must be complied with. These regulations, applicable within 24 nautical miles of California's shore, require the use of distillate fuels with maximum 0.1% sulphur content and do not allow for the use of exhaust gas scrubbers or non-distillate fuels to meet compliance standards.

Members are directed to ECM's Client Alert 2-2020 and Marine Notice 2020-1 for additional information. If Members have any questions relating to this Notice, your usual contact at the UK P&I Club will be pleased to assist you.