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Crew Health Advice: Haemorrhoids
27 April 2021


Haemorrhoids have been identified as a cause of seafarer repatriation across various studies, and the UK Club continue to see claims as a result of this illness. Haemorrhoids (or piles) are abnormally enlarged veins in the walls of the rectum and anus. Internal haemorrhoids are situated on the bowel side of the sphincter muscle and appear only when straining to empty the bowels. External haemorrhoids are found in the region of the sphincter muscles and can normally be seen protruding from the anus as purple bulges. In many cases, haemorrhoids do not cause symptoms, and some people may not even realise they have them.

This advice covers the symptoms, causes, preventative measure and treatment for haemorrhoids. 

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with our the Club's Crew Health programme Director Sophia Bullard who will be pleased to assist you. 


The full advice article can be downloaded below.