Together in Safety

Together in Safety report image

Together in Safetyは、安全性の向上という共通のゴールを目指し、海運業界の企業間の結びつきを強めることを目的とした共同事業体です。

海運業は世界で最も危険な業界の一つです。Together in Safetyは、海運業界の全セクターにわたり安全性を飛躍的に向上させるための機会を提供いたします。


Together in Safetyの最新レポートでは、海運業界が安全性をさらに向上させるために、いかに団結するかについて説明しています。下記よりダウンロードしぜひご覧下さい。


Together in Safety is a non-regulatory industry consortium connecting the maritime sector with the common purpose of working together to improve safety performance.

Shipping is one of the most hazardous industries in the world. Together in Safety provides the opportunity to dramatically improve the safety performance across every shipping sector. 

The shipping industry has made significant steps forward in improving its safety performance. With several important topics stretching the focus within the shipping industry, it remains vital that the industry does not lose sight of the need for continued strong leadership on safety.

Together in Safety’s latest report highlights how the shipping industry can unite to further improve safety and can be downloaded below. 


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PI Club
