COVID-19 - 46か国が船員を「キーワーカー」と指定

Seafarers group

国際海事機関(IMO)は、2020年12月14日付Circular Letter No.4204/Add.35を発行し、同日時点で46か国のIMO加盟国が船員をキーワーカーと指定したと発表しています。

The Covid-19 pandemic has seen tens of thousands of seafarers stranded on board ships or unable to join ships. The IMO had intervened promptly in this humanitarian and safety crisis by urging its Member States to designate seafarers and other marine personnel as “key workers” so that they can travel between the ships that constitute their workplace, and their countries of residence, as well as disembark from their ships to seek medical treatment ashore.  The IMO in its Circular Letter No.4204/Add.35 14 December 2020 announces that, at the time of issuing the letter, 46 States have designated seafarers as key workers. These States are listed in the Annex to the Circular. The remaining States which have yet to take this step are strongly urged to do so.

Members are directed to the IMO’s Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Pandemic home page, and to the UK Club’s webpagefor additional information on the issues surrounding crew changes and repatriation of seafarers during this pandemic.

Jacqueline Tan

Legal Services Manager
