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クラブ刊行物 - フライトデッキからの教訓: チームワークの重要性

Maritime Team Dynamics Book Launch Presentation
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As an extension of the UK Club's dedication to safety our Loss Prevention team are proud to have launched a new book focusing on the imperative nature of human element training. 

The book - Maritime Team Dynamics: 'Lessons from the Flight Deck'

The book - Maritime Team Dynamics: 'Lessons from the Flight Deck' - was created in partnership with CAE - the leaders in civil aviation training and focuses on 12 aviation incidents that can be directly applied to the Maritime industry. 

A successful launch

The book was officially launched at the Ludgate Suite, London on the 15th September 2021. 

It was a very successful event with Andrew Taylor, CEO of the UK Club giving opening remarks to a full audience both in the room and online. Stuart Edmonston, Loss Prevention Director at the UK Club followed with an engaging launch to the book and a warm introduction of collaboration partners CAE and Captain David Owens, Director of Training at CAE. Captain Owens took to the stage to give an insightful presentation on why this book is so relevant in today's maritime industry and eloquently expressed why incidents from the flight deck are so applicable to seafarers and why focusing on the human element is key to improving safety in this sector. An interactive Q&A discussion followed the presentation. 

Guests were invited for refreshments after the launch where many provided very positive feedback and enjoyed networking in person for the first time in a long while. 

Get your copy

Members - We are pleased to offer a free copy of Maritime Team Dynamics: 'Lessons from the Flight Deck'  to Members - Order book

Non-Members can purchase a copy of the book from the Witherbys website

Please note: The UK Club reserves the right to limit the number of copies sent, priority will be given to UK Club Members, Brokers and industry contacts. 

Watch the video

You can watch a short video explaining more about this new book here - Maritime Team Dynamics: 'Lessons from the Flight Deck' 

Staff Author

PI Club


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