
Open House Collage 001

9月28日、当クラブは初のコレスポンデンツ・オープンハウスを主催いたしました。このイベントは、ロンドンで開催された国際グループP&I コレスポンデンツ会議を機に開催され、世界中から何百人ものコレスポンデンツが集まりました。

On 28th September, the UK P&I Club took the opportunity to host its first ever Correspondents Open House to coincide with the International Group P&I Correspondents Conference in London, as hundreds of Club correspondents travelled from across the globe to meet in London for a few days.

Refreshments, cakes, balloons - and even some custom M&M's with UK P&I Club Correspondent Manager Neil Beckwith's face were on display for Correspondents, along with a goodie bag filled with UKP&I merchandise on their exit.

It was an absolute privilege for the UK P&I Club to be able to open its doors to so many Club correspondents and have the opportunity to reconvene with our correspondents network. Correspondents perform a key role in looking after the Club's interests and our members around the world and operating without them would be extremely difficult.

You can see more photos of the Correspondents Open House on the UKP&I Flickr account here.

Staff Author

PI Club
