ガーナ: Covid-19ワクチン未接種への罰金は延期/接種要件は継続

Ghana - Balme library clocktower

更新: 2022年1月18日

1月14日付でお伝えしましたCovid-19ワクチン未接種の乗組員・乗客がいた場合の罰金については、別途通達するまで延期されました。 しかし、ガーナに寄港する乗組員等のワクチン接種義務については、引き続き継続されています。

Updated 18 January 2022

We have received the following clarification from our local correspondents, Budd Group, regarding the situation with vaccines in Ghana.


Contrary to what we had understood from the Ghana Port Health memo reproduced in our circular of 14 January, GPH have clarified that although the imposition of fines has been suspended until further notice, Covid-19 vaccination is still mandatory for all seafarers on board vessels calling in Ghana's ports or carrying out operations at anchorage which require the presence of Ghanaian aboard.

The situation is therefore unchanged since our our update of 10 January 2022 reproduced below.


Updated 14 January 2022

Ghana Drops Mandatory Covid-19 Vaccination for Seafarers

The Club have received a further update on the current sitaution in Ghana, advising that Ghana Port Health have now suspended mandatory Covid-19 vaccination and associated fines. The below is from local correspondents, Budd Group.

Following our previous circulars, we have just received a memo from Ghana Port Health (GPH) suspending mandatory Covid-19 vaccination and USD 3,500 fines for non-compliance until further notice. The implementation date for these measures had already been postponed several times.
In their memo, GPH apologise to port stakeholders for any inconvenience caused.
Information provided by Budd Ghana (budd.ghana@budd-pni.com)


Updated 10 January 2022

Ghana: Mandatory Covid-19 Vaccination - Update 10 January 2022

The UK Club have received an update from local correpsondents, Budd Group, regarding Covid-19 vaccination measures in Ghana. This follows our previous update below on 6th January. 

Having received numerous queries regarding the mandatory Covid-19 vaccination measures in Ghana, we today obtained the following clarifications from the Director of Ghana Port Health:

  1. The date from which fines will be applicable

    At the request of GPH who wish to make sure that this new measure is fully understood and that vessels have time to vaccinate their crews, the exact date at which the fine of USD 3,500.00 per unvaccinated crew member will come into force is currently under discussion at ministerial level.
  2. Vessels at Anchorage

    If the presence of a Ghanaian resident is required on board a vessel, even if she remains at anchorage, all crew members must provide proof of Covid-19 vaccination or accept vaccination in Ghana.
  3. Refusal to Vaccinate

    At present, if an unvaccinated crew member refuses the mandatory vaccination, his vessel will not be granted free pratique.   The vessel may be allowed to transfer the unvaccinated crew member to another vessel at anchorage as long as that vessel is not intending to carry out any operations for which the presence of a Ghanaian resident will be required.
  4. Vaccine

    The vaccine being provided by GPH at the moment is Johnson and Johnson.


Original article 6th January 2022

Ghana Covid-19 fines coming into effect on 1st February 2022

The UK Club have received the following update from local correspondents, Budd Group, regarding new fines on vessels with unvaccinated crew/passengers to Ghana ports, being imposed in Ghana.

The implementation of these fines has been delayed until 1st February 2022, to give vessels sufficient time to vaccinate their crews.


"Following our update of, we have just learnt from Ghana Port Health (GPH) that although Covid-19 vaccination remains mandatory for all crew on board vessels in Ghana, irrespective of whether they intend to disembark or not, no fines will be levied before 1 February 2022.
"We understand that GPH wishes to give vessels sufficient time to vaccinate their crews.
"Unless they can produce written medical grounds for being exempted from vaccination, any unvaccinated crew will be vaccinated free of charge on their arrival.
"All vaccines recognised by either the Ghana Food and Drug Authority (a single dose of Johnson and Johnson, or two doses of AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna or Sputnik V) or WHO (see this list) are considered valid."

  • From 1st February 2022, all crew and passengers will have to be vaccinated as their COVID-19 Vaccination Cards will be inspected on arrival.
  • Any vessel with non-vaccinated crew/passengers to Ghana will pay a fine of 3,500 US Dollars per person on arrival.
  • After payment of the fine, the non-vaccinated crew/passengers will be vaccinated by Ghana Port Health with a single dose jab (Jonson & Jonson). This service will be free of charge.
  • All crew/passengers will have to complete an online form and submit it to the Ghana Port Health 24 hours prior to vessel’s arrival. To access to the form, please log in to: ghs-hdf.org/fill.php?1=en. At present, it is necessary to have proof of negative PCR test to do this.


For further information on the above update, please get in touch with your usual Club contact.

Neil Beckwith

Correspondent Manager/Claims Director
