2006年の海上労働条約(MLC) - 金銭的保証の要件について(2019年4月付 IG FAQs)

Containership in port

重要: MLC条約の2014年改正が、2017年1月18日に発効したことにより、込み入った問合せが数多く寄せられています。今回、国際P&Iグループがメンバーや各クラブに改正内容を遵守するためのガイダンスとして発行したFAQsをご紹介します。

IMPORTANT NOTE: The entry into force of the 2014 amendments to MLC on 18 January 2017 raised a number of complex and novel questions. These FAQs are intended to provide guidance to assist Members and Clubs in complying with the amendments. While efforts have been made to provide clarity, uncertainty remains on some aspects of the financial security requirements. There may also be differences in the way some states implement and enforce the amendments. These FAQs should not be regarded as providing definitive legal
advice and Members should also consult their flag state authorities.

Members should refer to their Club’s website for details of the MLC financial security certificate application process and an explanation of the terms on which MLC certificates can be issued.

Read the updated version of the MLC FAQs.

Jacqueline Tan

Legal Services Manager

