
right whale

カナダ政府はタイセイヨウセミクジラの保護のため、2023年4月19日より11月15日までの期間、セントローレンス湾で航行する船舶に対し速度制限を定めました。詳細はShip Safety Bulletin No.05/2023をご参照ください。セントローレンス湾内での速度制限区域をご確認いただけます。

The Canadian government has issued Ship Safety Bulletin No.05/2023 dated 11.04.2023 in which it sets out revised speed restrictions measures in the Gulf of St. Lawrence to reduce the risk of vessels colliding with North Atlantic right whales.

Members are referred to the Bulletin for full details of the said measures including a map showing the zones within the Gulf of St. Lawrence to which the measures will apply. 

The revised speed restriction measures will be in place from 19 April to 15 November 2023.

Jacqueline Tan

Legal Services Manager
