Crew Health Advice: 腎臓結石



The Club claims teams regularly see cases of kidney stones in crew onboard. A recent case presented to the Club resulted in the crewmember being hospitalised in South America for surgery. Despite the best efforts of physicians the kidney stones could not be removed. The crewmember was provided pain relief and repatriated for follow up treatment. The case, which evolved over a few months, reached costs of USD 35000 and resulted in some disruption to the ship’s schedule.

The Club has discussed kidney stones with Crew Health partner Liz Baugh of Red Square Medical to create this advice which can be downloaded below. 

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with our the Club's Crew Health programme Director Sophia Bullard who will be pleased to assist you. 



  • Crew Health Advice - Kidney Stones 436 KB


    Download PDF

Liz Baugh, Red Square Medical

PI Club
