ECM Client Alert 17-2020 - VIDA & EPA

Ballast 7

米国の「船舶からの排水に関する法律」(VIDA)に基づく追加情報を掲載したECM’s Client Alert 17-2020は、こちらからダウンロードしていただけます。

The Club would like to draw Members’ attention to ECM’s Client Alert 17-2020 which may be downloaded below. This Client Alert adds to the Club’s recent update reporting on EPA’s announcement of 6 October that it was proposing vessel discharge standards under VIDA. That update may be viewed here. As previously advised, VGP 2013 remains in effect until EPA and the USCG have created new regulations addressing vessel discharges. This process is not expected to be finalised until 2022.

The Club will continue to monitor, and keep Members updated, on developments in this area. 


  • ECM Client Alert 17_2020 - Vessel Incidental Discharge Act 0 B



Jacqueline Tan

Legal Services Manager
