
Ships in sunset

2020年10月1日、MARPOL 条約附属書I,II,V及びVIにて求められる排出、移送およびその他報告可能な作業を電子記録簿(ERB)に記録することを認める改正MARPOL73 / 78が発効しました。USコーストガードPSCは、ERBが従来の記録簿と同様に記載されているかについて検査する旨の通達を発行しました。

Amendments to MARPOL 73/78 permitting vessels to electronically record discharges, transfers, and other reportable operations required under Annexes I, II, V and VI in Electronic Record Books (ERB) entered into force on 1 October 2020. The US Coast Guard has issued a bulletin advising that Coast Guard Port State Control Officers (PSCO) and Marine Inspectors will begin examining ERBs in a similar manner as written record books. Members are reminded that they should be prepared to provide the PSCO with a copy of the “Declaration of Marpol Electronic Record Book” issued by the Flag Administration confirming that the electronic system in use meets the criteria provided in IMO Resolution MEPC.312(74). 

Please refer to the UK P&I Club’s “Guidelines for use of MARPOL Electronic Record Books (“ERBs”)” here for additional information and guidance.

Jacqueline Tan

Legal Services Manager
