
<要旨>第31回目となるUKクラブ韓国登山イベント(UK Club Korean Mountain Climb)が、9月23日土曜日に開催されました。今回登ったのは、ソウル市内から東に13キロほどの場所にあるアチャ山です。The 31st UK Club Korean Mountain Climb took place on Saturday 23rd September 2017 on Acha Mountain, located within Eastern Seoul about 13km from city hall. Achasan is one of five mountains that surround the area, incorporating the mountainous terrain surrounding Yongmabong and Magusan mountain. Participants are able to experience the breathtakingly beautiful scenery and the fantastic panoramic view of Seoul, Guri City, and the Han River on the 5.4km trekking course.

The Thomas Miller team consisted of Andrew Jones, the Regional Director for Asia Pacific, DY Kim from the Hong Kong office, and one of the  Underwriters for the Region, James Pietri. They were ably supported by the Club's Representative in Korea, Hyopsung, led by HS Ku and JH Kim Two. We had an excellent turn out of nearly 40 people from our Members and Brokers in the area.

During the well-deserved Korean barbeque lunch everyone received a commemorative gift, with some continuing the celebratory drinks afterwards!

Staff Author

PI Club
