トルコ政府は、2022年12月にモンサント社の遺伝子組換えトウモロコシ(MON810)と、これを含有するDDGS製品を輸入禁止としましたが、12月30日付の官報で、動物飼料目的の遺伝子組換え NK603とMON810の配合飼料は一定の強制要件を満たした場合に限り、輸入を許可するとのことです。詳細は現地コレスポンデンツVitsan Circular No.2をご参照ください。
The Club would like to draw Members' attention to the latest Circular from the Club's correspondent in Turkiye, Vitsan Istanbul. The Correspondent advises that Monsanto’s MON810 GMO maize (“MON810”) and its end products have been added to Turkiye's list of banned genetically modified goods. As such, Turkiye is no longer allowing discharge of goods containing MON810 at her ports. Members shipping Distillers Dried Grain with Solubles (DDGS) to Turkiye are recommended to check the cargo quality and cargo analysis certificates to see if the cargo shipped is or may contain MON810.
The Correspondent is on standby to assist Members as necessary and the abovementioned Circular is available for download below.
UPDATE: Since the Club issued the above article, a follow up Circular No. 2 relating to the import of genetically modified NK603xMON810 DDGS for animal feed has been received from the Correspondent. This Circular No. 2 can also be downloaded below.