
5月11日水曜日、当クラブはアメリカ船級協会(ABS)とMidOcean Wind社を招き、米国における洋上風力発電とそのリスクについてのプレゼンテーションおよびディスカッションを行いました。

On Wednesday 11 May, the Club was joined by the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) and MidOcean Wind for presentations and discussion focusing on an overview of the U.S. offshore wind operations and insurance coverage.

The Club discussed the specialist cover for wind farm installation and support vessels and the risks involved in carrying out these operations. ABS presented on their recent projects supporting the offshore wind industry and provided some valuable insight on the regulatory challenges. Finally, MidOcean Wind provided a perspective on the offshore wind farm project and investment side. 

James Petrie

Senior Underwriting Director
