P&I Q資格試験


P&I Qualification試験は絶対的な救世主です!その資料には、知識の豊富なクレームハンドラーになるために必要なすべての情報が網羅されています。試験には8つのモジュールがあります。最初の3つは順番に受ける必要があり、合格するとP&IQ Certificateが授与されます。次の4つに合格すると、Advanced Certificateが取得でき、モジュール8まで進むとP&IQ Diplomaが授与されます。

The views and opinions expressed here are solely those of the original author or contributor. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of the UK P&I Club.

Speaking as a Claims Handler who did not come from an Insurance, Marine or Legal background I can confirm that moving into a new field is more than a little daunting but it is also an exciting time in terms of learning something new and developing further skills. Whilst learning on the job is definitely a possibility, the technical side of things can take some getting used to. 

Enter the P&IQ. an absolute saviour! For a junior member of staff with little industry knowledge it's like finding five pounds in an old jacket you had forgotten about. The material is filled with all the information needed to become a well-rounded and knowledgeable Claims Handler. However, that is not to say that it cannot also be useful for those who have been in the game a little longer, we all need a little refresh now and then.

The format of the P&IQ has changed recently and a multiple choice version is currently being rolled out, which will be completed electronically (great news for those of us getting RSI from the three hour written exams). This is happening gradually and the date that each new exam becomes available can be found on the website: https://pandiq.mycoracle.com/

There are now 8 modules to complete with the first three having to be done in numerical order. Upon passing these three modules you will be awarded a P&IQ certificate. Passing the next 4 you will get an Advanced Certificate and if you decide to go for module 8 as well, you will be awarded a P&IQ Diploma. 

Here is a list of the modules included:

Module 1: The Shipping Business

Module 2: P&I Insurance, History, Operation and Practice

Module 3: Underwriting, Loss Prevention and Claims Handling 

Module 4: People Risks

Module 5: Cargo Risks

Module 6: Collision, FFO and Pollution Risks

Module 7: Towage, Salvage, GA and Wreck Removal

Module 8: Recap test on all modules (typed essay style)

The great thing about these exams is that the material is crafted BY people in the industry, FOR people in the industry and I think this really shines through. Who better to provide you with the information you need than those who have been in your position previously. It's easy to read and provides links and "tasks" for further research. I actually use the materials occasionally when dealing with cases - can't remember what The Hague Visby limitation is? No problem, flip to page 10. It's the perfect go-to guide for any Claims Handler; print it out, scribble all over it, post it sections, however you work, trust me when I say it's a useful tool. Not only this, but it also allows those who work in P&I to get a specific qualification and recognition in their field of work. 

The move to electronic versions of the exams means that they are now open to not only the P&I Clubs, but our global network of correspondents too. This is fantastic news which allows our correspondents access to the same training; enhancing lines of communication, knowledge and awareness for all parties. So if you are ever visiting the office and I have sparked an interest in you, feel free to grab a P&IQ participant and flick through a copy of whichever module takes your fancy!

Have you already started the exams? Considering giving them a go? Let us know on Twitter!

Laura Grant

Claims Executive
