Shanghai night
Shanghai skyline at night. Photopgraph: Unsplash

Law firm Hai Tong & Partners have kindly provided the UK Club with their recent circular, with the latest updates on Chinese law to share with Members.

Chinese Courts Exempt the Notarization and Authentication of Extra-territorial Evidence

China’s Supreme Court has revised its provisions on evidence in civil proceedings in Chinese courts. Such revisions came into force on 1 May 2020.

Chinese Courts Unify Compensation Standards for Death of Urban and Rural Citizens under Tort Liability

China’s Supreme Court issued a Notice in September 2019 to unify the compensation standards in personal injury and death claims for urban and rural citizens. As of 1 January 2020, the previously higher standard for urban citizens has been applied when calculating compensation for rural citizens in such claims.

Chinese Customs no Longer Issue Certificate of Weight for Bulk Commodity Ex Officio

The previous practice of the Government institution, CIQ, issuing Certificates of Weight for all bulk cargo imported into or exported from China has been abandoned. As of 1 November 2019, Certificates of Weight will only be issued by CIQ upon the application of the Consignee. Such a certificate, defined as private documentary evidence, has weaker probative force than public documentary evidence.

Members are directed to the attached circular for further details. If Members have any questions on the above information, your usual contact at the Club would be pleased to assist you.


Jacqueline Tan

Legal Services Manager
