Parana River: Draft Restrictions

The UK Club has received the following circular from correspondents, Pandi Liquiadores SRL, regarding draft restrictions in the Parana River.


Please be informed that the height of the water in the Plata Basin (Parana River / River Plate system) has been dropping below average and the forecast indicates that this tendency will continue during the following days. For this reason, the relevant Institute issued an Hydrological Alert and the Coast Guard circulated a note to all the parties concerned requesting to maximize caution with ship’s drafts when loading to avoid incidents.

We are enclosing Coast Guards’ Circular (free translation), last minimum drafts published (6 April) and the depth records of the last 7 days at Rosario as an example.

Due to the above we suggest to remind to the Masters to follow up with their agents the maximum sailing drafts taking into account the decreasing tendency and, as we always due, to suggest them to discuss with the Pilots every aspect of the navigational plan to minimize risks of grounding.


For more information, please get in touch with your usual Club contact.


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