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How to comply with MARPOL Annex V


Following the changes to MARPOL Annex V at the beginning of the year, the Club has received numerous enquiries from Members seeking advice and guidance on how to fully comply with the new amendments.

"How to Comply With MARPOL Annex V - New amendments governing cargo classification and the discharge of cargo hold wash water" is a new publication produced by the Club, in partnership with ITOPF, which is aimed at helping Shippers, Charterers, Owners and Crews fully understand and comply with the MARPOL Annex V changes.

As a result of the amendments shippers have new responsibilities regarding cargo classification and how it affects the ability of the crew to discharge hold wash water into the marine environment. Shippers will also need to consider whether or not the cargo residues present in the water are 'harmful to the marine environment' (HME).

This booklet sets out the requirements, as well as the concept and process of classification of cargoes as HME.

In addition to the booklet, the Club has produced a poster which outlines crew responsibilities in relation to these changes.

The booklet and poster are available electronically and paper copies for Members can also be provided for distribution to vessels.

If you would like copies for your entered vessels please get in touch with your normal Club contact.

UPDATE: The IMO has released a circular which provides dispensation for discharging washwater containing HME until 31 December 2015 where Adequate Port Reception Facilities are deemed to be inadequate. The Circular can be read in full here: MEPC.1-Circ.810 The booklet and poster produced by the UK Club has been updated to reflect these changes and are available from the above links.


  • 10665 - MARPOL Annex V - Checklist Updated 731 KB


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  • 10666 - MARPOL Annex V - Poster 26 KB


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