Imposition of Martial Law in Ukraine


The UK Club have received the following update from Dias Marine, regarding the imposition of martial law in Ukraine effective 28/11/18 09.00am local time.


Martial Law was not declared on all the territory of Ukraine, but just in some Regions having the common border with Russia, as well as on coastline territories (map is attached to this message). At the moment no serious restrictions in the operation of the state services and bodies can be observed. Public areas/places are freely accessible so foreign seamen can feel rather comfortable ashore.
All Ukrainian ports, Mariupol and Berdyansk including, are working normally. No any additional restrictions relating to Martial Law have been introduced in the ports.

Seafarers of Russian nationality on board of foreign ships calling at the Ukrainian ports will not be subject to discrimination and persecution. Neither will Ukrainian crew of the foreign ships in Russian ports, at least I believe so. However, it should be kept in mind that Immigration Authorities may bring an accusation against those seafarers who visited Crimean ports.

One of the worst aspects of the matter is that foreign vessels heading to the Ukrainian ports on the Azov Sea (such as Mariupol and Berdyansk) may be detained in the Kerch Strait for inspection and search. I cannot vouch for Russian Authorities and in view of the fact that prior to the recent incident there was a sad practice of detaining the ships for up to 10 days now the situation is very likely to aggravate.

We presume that foreign vessels heading through the Kerch Strait to the Russian ports on the Azov Sea will have no problems at that and will not be delayed. 


Staff Author

