- Report of the AGM proceedings and resolutions adopted.
- New Directors elected to the Members’ Committee.
At the Annual General Meeting held in Zurich on Monday 18th October, the proposed resolutions in the agenda were put to the Members and were adopted by the meeting.
The Report and Accounts as audited and certified for the period ended 20th February 2021 were approved.
The retiring Directors who offered themselves for re-election to the Members’Committee were all re-elected.
In addition, the following were also elected to the Members ’Committee:
Mr L.Audaz of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company SA,Geneva,
Mr H. Fujikawa of MMS Co Ltd., Meiji Shipping Group, Tokyo,
Ms K. Fujiwara of ENEOS Ocean Corporation,Yokohama,
Mr C.T.Hajimichael ofTsakos Shipping &Trading S.A,Athens,
Mr P.C.Over ofTaylor Maritime (HK) Ltd,Hong Kong,
Mr I.Tonkovidov of PAO Sovcomflot, St Petersburg and
Ms K.Trauth of Shell InternationalTrading and Shipping Company Limited, London.
Messrs BDO LLP of London were re-appointed auditors of the Club.
Yours faithfully
For more information
Members requiring further information should contact their usual Club contact.