The PEME team together with their accredited clinics provide advice and information on a range of illnesses affecting crew.
The latest health focus from PEME and People Claims is on mental health issues on-board.
These include a leaflet for seafarers containing tips for improved mental health and a poster for communal spaces. Both are accessible as electronic copies on the Club’s website and printed versions are available upon request.
The Club would like to thank Glennda Canlas (Halcyon Marine Healthcare Systems), ISWAN and Sailors’ Society for their contributions to the materials.
The UK Club's PEME team is committed to promoting wellness and supporting seafarers, which is why they have teamed up with the Sailors' Society to support a free Wellness at Sea App. The Sailors' Society Wellness at sea programme is delivered to seafarers to improve their on-board wellbeing.
Here you can find further information on the Club’s PEME programme and resources can be found on the Club’s dedicated Claims Management team.
The attached publications are for information purposes and you must not rely on the information on our website as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider.