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30 January 2018

After which time is a container officially abandoned in Liberia?

After 90 days containers are normally considered abandoned and placed in for auction to the general public and importer/consignee may also be allowed to participate in the auction.

Does the Member need an official written letter from the customer that he abandons the cargo?

It is not requirement to receive a letter from the consignee nor the shipper. If the container is not custom cleared within 90 days, it is considered abandoned by customs.

Is it possible for the Member to survey, sell, auction or destroy the cargo in this jurisdiction?

No, all abandoned containers are under the custody of the custom authorities. The member will have no access to these containers for survey, sell or auction.

Does the Member need to obtain a court/customs order to have authority to dispose the cargo?

Yes, the member needs court/custom order to have authority to dispose of the cargo.

Will the container and cargo be blocked by customs?

Yes, the containers and cargo will be blocked by customs for public auction.