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29 March 2019


The UK Club have received the following update from local correspondents Budd Group, regarding an increased risk of customs fines received in Dakar.


As reported widely in previous years, vessels calling in Dakar may be subjected to Customs fines and/or detention for any alleged inaccuracies in the following documents and declarations:

  1.  Cargo Manifest (indicating any goods in transit)
  2. Bills of Lading
  3. List of ports of call
  4. Crew List
  5. List of personal effects of crew
  6. Bonded store
  7. Food supplies
  8. Paint inventory
  9. Chemicals
  10. Fire Extinguishers
  11. Foam
  12. CO2
  13. Bunker declaration detailing quantities of:
    • Lube oil
    • Diesel oil
    • Fuel oil, and also indicating quantities in tanks (including sump tanks), drums and cans, as well as of sludge.


If Members have any queries, they should get in touch with their usual club contact.