We are proud to introduce you to the collection of online, free-to-access videos created by the UK Club for the benefit of the wider shipping industry. Whether it’s our latest webinar recording on Liquefaction Risks IMSBC Group A Cargo, our award winning ‘Lessons Learnt’ videos or our newly launched Inside Ship risk assessment series we aim to improve safety and reduce risk throughout the sector.
A focus on safety
The Club’s high-level loss prevention programme aims to offset rising claims and maintain quality among its Members. As part of this drive to share knowledge and encourage collaboration throughout, the Club has recently expanded its award winning ‘Lessons Learnt’ reflective learning videos across personal injury, navigation, pollution, and cargo. These training videos enable seafarers to learn not just from their own mistakes, but by the mistakes of others. Making these videos, with translated captions - including Japanese, freely available to the wider shipping community gives these vital safety messages enormous reach.
The following Lessons Learnt videos with Japanese captions can be viewed on the Club's video library page.
UK Club Lessons Learnt Videos
(re) To display Japanese captions, press the cc button at the bottom of the video screen and select the language.
A list of our Webinar recording to date can be found below:
UK Club Webinar Series
- (Series 1) General P&I Claims
- (Series 2) Technical aspects of Bunker Claims.
- (Series 3) Legal Aspects of Bunker Claims
- (Series 4) Catastrophic Machinery failures
- (Series 5) Practical aspects of Passage planning and Bridge Resource Management
- (Series 6) Legal aspects of Passage planning and Bridge Resource Management
- (Series 7) Liquefaction Risks IMSBC Group A Cargo
- (Series 8) Chemical Tanker Claims