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26 October 2012

On 14th September 2012, China MSA issued the "Notice on Circulating the Detailed Rules on the Implementation of the Regime of Agreement for Ship Pollution Response (revised)" with the new "Detailed Rules on the Implementation of the Regime of Agreement for Ship Pollution Response".

A copy of the English translation and the Chinese version of the newly issued Detailed Rules on the Chinese SPRO requirements is attached herewith. A new MSA spill response contract is contained in Annex 2 towards the end of the Chinese version attached.

We are given to understand that Owners having signed contracts on the IG Standard Agreement wording of 6 December 2011, should not encounter difficulties. However, when their current contracts expire they should renew on a contract form incorporating the new Articles 1 and 2. A revised IG sample agreement wording is being prepared and will be circulated in due time.