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5 December 2022

The UK P&I Club, one of the leading providers of P&I insurance and other services to the international shipping community, has announced that Amy Lovseth will assume the role of Syndicate Manager in its Hong Kong office following Sean Geraghty's move to the Greece office earlier this autumn.

This announcement follows on from David Harley joining the team in the UK Club's Hong Kong office at the end of September. Amy and David Harley will share the role of P&I Regional Claims Director for Asia Pacific. 

Amy moved to Hong Kong as a Senior Claims Director after fifteen years' experience across the UK and US offices of the Club. Amy is a qualified US lawyer with extensive experience offering guidance to claims executives on large and complex claims, specialising in cargo, bills of lading and casualties. 

David Harley joined the Club in September, having previously worked for the Britannia in Hong Kong. Most recently, David worked for another P&I Club, serving as Deputy Director and Head of the Hong Kong office since 2020. He has over twenty-five years of experience handling a wide range of P&I and FDD claims. 

Philip Clacy, Chief Operating Officer, UK P&I Club says: "We are pleased to announce Amy Lovseth's new role as Syndicate Manager in the Hong Kong office. This is a well-deserved promotion. Amy has a wealth of experience across the Club, and we have no doubt she will put this to good use in our Hong Kong office. Concurrently, we wish to congratulate Amy Lovseth and David Harley on their new joint role as Asia Pacific Regional Claims Director. We are confident the pair will use their extensive claims handling experience to the benefit of our Asia-Pacific Members."