How to win friends: The art of networking


The views and opinions expressed here are solely those of the original author or contributor. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of the UK P&I Club.

Shipping is an industry that is notoriously social but if you're new, it can sometimes all seem a bit daunting. Whether you're new to the industry or just wanted to develop your network further, London has much to offer the young shipping professional.

For the social butterfly in you join the Fixture: informal, monthly drinks at different bars throughout the Square Mile. Organised by Armando, Ewa and Kristina, the Fixture's membership is broad and ranges from Owners and brokers to lawyers. Bonus feature: the email invite is always an entertaining read!

Like sport? There is no shortage of sports teams and events. The Baltic and Lloyds both offer a variety of activities including (but not limited to) football, rugby and sailing.

Want to expand your knowledge, but socialise too? Look no further than the YMP and the Lloyd's U35s. Both host regular talks and purely social events (past events have included pub quizzes and boat parties!). Whilst the U35s has a more insurance based membership, the YMP is more legal based (although anyone is welcome!).

Or do you want something a bit more academic? Try the LSLC. Made up of professionals at all stages of their career, this organisation hosts monthly events where industry experts impart their knowledge. It's a bonus if your Company has corporate membership (as you can attend for free) but they do have a discounted rate for students. Alternatively, for broader insurance exposure, try the weekly lunchtime lectures at the Old Library in Lloyds.

Lloyds also offers an LGBT Insurance Network and a Women's Insurance Network. London's WISTA group is also very active with regular networking drinks and events.

The above is certainly not exhaustive, but it is a start. You will naturally start to stumble across more opportunities as you meet more people. So get involved; promise we don't bite. Happy networking!

Useful Links

Amanda Hastings

Claims Executive

