The Club provides Members with an unrivalled range of news, videos, lessons learnt, checklists, apps, guides and books to help minimise the risk of accidents on their ships.

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The Club’s highly experienced loss prevention team and its external partners share their knowledge with Members through training, webinars, videos and specialist courses. Read more about our expert training.


We aim to keep Members up to date with the latest developments and initiatives regarding ship safety from around the world, including regular updates on our own loss prevention activities and initiatives. Find all the latest news here.

Inside ship videos

‘Inside Ship’ is a series of animated training videos promoting risk awareness and encouraging risk management practices on board.

Based on real-world experience carrying out risk assessments on Members’ vessels, each video highlights a critical risk area found on board and suggests mitigation techniques for preventing the risks becoming a claim. See all of our Inside Ship videos here.

Lessons Learnt videos and reports

‘Lessons Learnt’ is a series of award-winning educational training videos and reports based on common, real-life shipping accidents.

The videos feature incidents involving injury, pollution, cargo claims and navigation errors. Supported by an extensive catalogue of written case studies, the videos identify key lessons learnt to help members avoid similar incidents.

Lessons Learnt won the Lloyds List Europe 2019 Excellence in Safety and Training Award. See testimonials from our Members.

Risk awareness checklist

The Club’s ‘Risk Awareness’ checklists provide an aid to risk and identification and loss prevention in a handy pocket-sized format.

The colour-coded checklists help to build awareness among our Members’ crews and shore-based staff of specific risks and the steps needed to minimise them.

PSC Pocket Checklists app

The Club has partnered with Lloyd’s Register to develop a unique and innovative checklist app to help Members’ crews ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and reduce the risk of port state control (PSC) detentions.

The continuously updated checklists cover Maritime Labour Convention requirements, International Safety Management Code and International Ship and Port Facility Security Code requirements, life-saving appliances, marine fire safety, marine pollution prevention and PSC.

Members can get the iOS version of the ‘PSC Pocket Checklists’ app from Apple’s App Store and the Android version from Google Play Store.

Risk Focus guides

The Club’s series of concise ‘Risk Focus’ guides provides an authoritative deep dive on specific shipboard risks.

Often co-authored by leading industry experts, the guides include case studies and high quality photographs and diagrams to help get the message across.

Books and booklets

The Club has partnered with leading industry experts and publishers to produce a number of popular loss prevention books and booklets over recent years.  

These authoritative titles provide Members with an essential and detailed reference on a variety of topics.

For more information contact


Petar Modev

Head of Ship Inspections

T: +44 20 7204 2329



10:58 | Thursday, 21 June

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