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Crew Health PEME Programme

All seafarers joining ships entered in the Club need to undergo an approved pre-employment medical examination (PEME) to identify any health risk factors and pre-existing medical conditions, such as hypertension and diabetes.

We offer Members a comprehensive and cost-effective PEME programme called ‘Crew Health’, which provides enhanced medical examinations through an approved network of medical clinics in the world’s major crew supply areas.

The Crew Health programme helps to avoid seafarers with pre-existing health issues becoming ill at sea and having to be repatriated, which can be both dangerous and costly. Seafarers found unfit for duty are encouraged to seek medical attention before re-applying for work.

Over 400,000 examinations have been carried out through the programme since it was launched in 1996.

Find out more about our Crew Health PEME programme.

BlueMed telemedicine service

The Club has arranged for all Members to have ‘pay as you go’ access to BlueMed’s 24/7 telemedicine service. Seafarers can receive expert medical advice from UK doctors, familiar with on-board environments, to assist with managing medical conditions, illnesses and injuries at sea.

Crew can access specialist marine doctors via phone, video or webcam at any time, with remote diagnoses and a multilingual service available if required. 

Launched in 2020, the partnership with BlueMed proved invaluable to Members during the Covid-19 pandemic, when many seafarers were unable to leave their ships. It gave them efficient and reliable access to professional and specialist medical advice in a time of exceptional need.

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