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Date: 13 November 2024

The UK P&I Club enforces a zero-tolerance anti-bribery policy, ensuring integrity in all dealings.

Announcement of Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration on Strengthening the Safety Management of Ships with Machinery Failure

Date: 8 July 2022
Announcement of Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration on Strengthening the Safety Management of Ships with Machinery Failure

Announcement of Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration on Strengthening the Safety Management of Ships with Machinery Failure The UK Club would like to draw Members' attention to the latest…

Anchor Dragging Accidents and their Causes in Japan

Date: 9 December 2021
Anchor Dragging Accidents and their Causes in Japan

Anchor Dragging Accidents and their Causes in Japan When a powerful typhoon passed directly over Osaka Bay on September 4, 2018, the tanker Houn Maru, which was anchored in the bay, dragged its…

An Update on the Distribution of Major Fishery Farms along the Coast of China

Date: 23 January 2024
An Update on the Distribution of Major Fishery Farms along the Coast of China

An Update on the Distribution of Major Fishery Farms along the Coast of China Following their publication on the Summary of the Distribution of Major Fishery Farms along the Coast of China, and the…

An Introduction to China Marine Oil Pollution Laws and SPRO Contract

Date: 11 April 2019

An Introduction to China Marine Oil Pollution Laws and SPRO Contract Helen Huang - Senior Claims Executive from Thomas Miller's Hong Kong office provides an introduction to China's marine oil…

Ammonia as a Ship's Fuel

Date: 23 August 2023
Ammonia as a Ship's Fuel

Ammonia as a Ship's Fuel Introduction The global shipping industry is at a crossroads, grappling with the urgent need to reduce carbon emissions by changing to greener fuel options. Ammonia has…

Amendments to US/Cuba Sanctions - easing of the '180 day rule'

Date: 14 March 2017
Amendments to US/Cuba Sanctions - easing of the '180 day rule'

Amendments to US/Cuba Sanctions - easing of the '180 day rule' Summary In October 2016 the U.S. Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control ("OFAC") announced further amendments to the Cuban Asset…

Amendments to the Marine Invasive Species Act: AB 912

Date: 18 October 2019

Amendments to the Marine Invasive Species Act: AB 912 The California State Lands Commission has issued an update regarding Assembly Bill (AB) 912 being signed into law. The AB will bring in the…

Amendments to POEA standard employment contract (14th October 2010)

Date: 14 October 2010

Amendments to POEA standard employment contract (14th October 2010) Philippine Labour Contracts Definition of Terms *Amended provision (Item12) The definition of "work-related…

Amendments of STCW Convention 1978

Date: 24 September 2010

Amendments of STCW Convention 1978 For recent Amendments to the STCW Convention and for recent circulars see: 1. Draft amendments to the…