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1630 results:

856 - 11/12 - Fuel oil change-over procedures - Europe

Date: 23 November 2012

856 - 11/12 - Fuel oil change-over procedures - Europe Members are reminded of EU Directive 2005/33/EC which came into force on January 1, 2010.  This requires that the fuel oil used by ships…

848 - 10/12 - Fraudulent invoices - worldwide

Date: 12 October 2012

848 - 10/12 - Fraudulent invoices - worldwide Fraudulent invoices have once more come to the Club's attention.  Members are advised to be disciplined when processing invoices following a vessels…

832 - 07/12 - North American Emissions Control Area; Fuel Oil non-availability guidance - USA

Date: 6 July 2012

832 - 07/12 - North American Emissions Control Area; Fuel Oil non-availability guidance - USA Since the inception of the North American Emissions Control Area (ECA) there have been questions…

802 - 12/11 - MLC ratification- Worldwide

Date: 30 December 2011

802 - 12/11 - MLC ratification- Worldwide

789 - 10/11 - Best Management Practice 4 - Worldwide

Date: 7 October 2011

789 - 10/11 - Best Management Practice 4 - Worldwide

765 - 05/11 - Fuel oil Quick Closing Valves - USA

Date: 27 May 2011

765 - 05/11 - Fuel oil Quick Closing Valves - USA Quick closing valves are an essential safety component in a vessels power plant. They cut off fuel supply to an engine in times of emergency. These…

740 - 02/11 - DRI/Iron Ore Fines (Mis-declaration) - Venezuela

Date: 3 February 2011

740 - 02/11 - DRI/Iron Ore Fines (Mis-declaration) - Venezuela The metallic contents found in Venezuelan DRI fines are usually not as high as those found in other ports around the world: it is common…

716 - 09/10 - Iron Ore Fines/Iron Ore Lumps and Fines Update - India

Date: 9 September 2010

716 - 09/10 - Iron Ore Fines/Iron Ore Lumps and Fines Update - India The Club's earlier LP Bulletins 695 - 5/2010, 660 - 10/09, 647 - 7/09 and 546 - 10/07 warn members of the serious risks that can…

221 - 11/01 - RETLA Clauses - The Effect on Club Cover

Date: 1 November 2001

221 - 11/01 - RETLA Clauses - The Effect on Club Cover Members may on occasions be requested to use RETLA clauses in bills of lading, particularly when carrying cargoes of steel or timber. A typical…

2024 Annual IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Report

Date: 20 January 2025
2024 Annual IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Report

2024 Annual IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Report The ICC International Maritime Bureau (IMB) reported a total of 116 incidents of piracy and armed robbery against ships from January to December 2024.…